
Zesty - Web Application Development project

- Utilized HTML and JavaScript to build out all the features for this web application, then incorporated CSS to style all the page components.
- Used figma to create initial designs.
- Worked with a recipe API to get recipe datas that match the user’s search criteria.


- Developed the landing screen and the order task screens for the mobile app using React Native.
- Analyzed to make sure the applications are responsive.

Traffic Lights

- Implemented and utilized semaphores in a C program that simulates cars sharing a single lane that requires a synchronization.
- Solved the race condition by adding synchronization directives to cause cars to wait for the others.

Fasoo - Directory Monitoring program

- Developed a directory monitoring program within the Windows Operting System using multiple threads within C++.
- Used a File System Minifilter Driver to monitor security of the application.
- Implemented in both kernel mode and user mode to deepen the understanding of the computer architecture.

Congressional Election Research - Data Science project

- Collected and cleaned the dataset that is relevant to the research topic using Pandas.
- Visualized the data into a line plot, histogram, Q-Q plot, and Scatterplot to find out the relationship between the different variables to find correlation.

MNIST Digits Classification

- Utilized Machine Learning algorithms to classify handwritten digits and model each label as a multivariate Gaussian.
- Performed relationship extraction following the NLP method to get a correct label from the MNIST dataset using NumPy.

Linux ‘ls’ Command

- Designed and implemented using C and ARM assembler with Raspberry Pi that replicated the ‘ls’ command in Linux, and implemented tags associated with it.
- Created a better understanding of the Linux commands.


- Implemented a single cycle processor for radio transmission computation by designing our own assembly instructions.
- Created a fully functional ISA and its architecture in System Verilog using a EDA software simulation tool called Modelsim.


- Implemented Monte Carlo tree search (MCTS) to decide the action to take in order for the AI to beat the random player on Gomoku.
- Manipulated the computational budget to observe different behavior of AI as reaching this budget exits the MCTS.